International Flotation Conference (Flotation '21)
Timegate Instruments is participating in International Flotation Conference (Flotation '21) on November 8-12, 2021. The event is held online by Minerals Engineering International, which is organising the conference for the 10th time.
Timegate´s CEO Mari Tenhunen gives a presentation in the conference on Wednesday, November 10th at 16.40 UK time zone. She is speaking about flotation and process optimization using on-line rock type / mineralogical measurement data.
This conference focus areas are:
Fundamental reagent and flotation chemistry
Bubbles, froths, bubble-particle interactions
Flotation cell hydrodynamics, kinetics and scale-up
Plant Operations, particularly related to new technology, and process mineralogy problems
Flotation Circuits, and their modelling, simulation, control and optimisation
Flotation machine developments
Metallic, non-metallic and coal flotation
Environmental considerations
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